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Good Customer Service

I know I know, I have not posted anything in a while. There actually will be updates for the store in world and my hunt item for Silk Road in June is already waiting for the hunt box to set it into. Meanwhile. I am doing other hunts myself, puttering and creating and being reminded why I give good customer service. The answer is fairly simple. I love getting it. Nothing makes me feel loyal as a consumer in Second Life or First Life more than good customer care. Being treated with respect always knocks my socks off. So here are two stores I am unaffiliated with who did great things.

First I made a purchase of a full perm mesh item on the market. It had some flaws which left me disappointed and like a lot of full perm mesh there was no demo. I would still have bought it WITH a demo but the disappointment felt increased.  I left a review which included my disappointment and the VERY good things about the item. The shop is only on the market and is called E&A. After my review every concern was addressed, I was given an updated item and was left stunned with the level of awesome that the shop owner contains. Definitely looking forward to other meshes.

Moving on to two days later and a nasty bout of insomnia leading me to do some midnight hunting where I would not ordinarily venture, I ended up at Naked which is co owned by Austin and Melly. I picked up several boxes and spent the next morning (still insomnia’d out of my gourd) poking through the loot. Most of it went smoothly but their items were elusive! SL damaged the script that unpacks things giving me just the note cards. So I dropped them a line and moved on to other packages. With profuse apologize for not receiving my notecard Austin personally got back to me well before I expected ANY possible reply. He actually startled me. I am positive this had to do with the lack of sleep, however a lack of sleep has never caused me to lose taste.

We fought the scripts for a good fifteen minutes before we got a working copy and I immediately tried on the outfit. Gorgeousness ensued, though I discovered that the most beautiful umbrella I had ever seen had lost its attachment points. Before I could fix it myself, he did and then sent me a fresh copy. I keep just wearing the thing for no reason. Went on with my day and kept thinking on this. I was talking to the blogger from What Fresh SL is This about random and assorted things and we got into talking about good customer care. In the middle of my telling him about the awesome experience yesterday, I get a notecard and a fresh package from NaKEd. The store owners are giving a fresh copy due to the broken scripts and SL tomfoolery beyond their control to everyone who found the item so far.

I immediately joined their group and realized I should blog about them. I try to give that level of customer service and when I get it, I always appreciate it. It is a reminder to me as a store owner of my own responsibilities to my consumers. I am responsible for the items I sell, and I want you as a consumer to have a good experience. Even if the item ends up not being to your satisfaction, I want to know so I can try and alter that experience.

SLURLS and Links:
NaKED- http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sun%20Dream/65/225/490
E&A- https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/83420
What Fresh SL is This?- http://whatfreshsl.wordpress.com/

Dia de Los Muertos and a Sale!

The Prim is about a year old, probably a bit over and has been going strong even with my hiatus with in SL. Its been an amazing time and to celebrate you, The Bitten Prim and the Dia de los Muertos we are taking part in a festival with in the Mieville sims. For the duration of the Dia de los Muertos festival which will run from October 27 to November 4, everything in the vendors and put out for the stall is 50% off. The week long festival includes a myriad of shops, displays, educational material, dances, a mini hunt, parades, fireworks and much much more!

The Prim Biters Anonymous Group, the group for the Prim will also have a special free gift this month called Dia de los Deoridhe. This is a tattoo layer facepaint which is included free in the set of Day of the Dead facepaints available for the first time at the festival.

Here is what they look like, the set is unisex with copy perms.

There is now a day of the dead sugar skull platter also in store, which will be available for the festival as well. After the festival this will go into the Lucky Board and Hutch. The Prim has applied to two December Hunts as well.

SLURL to Festival: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mieville%20Shelley/86/142/1001

SLURL to Store: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mieville%20Doyle/122/26/24

Dia de Los Muertos Face Masks

Dia de Los Muertos Face Masks

Photo Caption

New Merchandise and other Updates!

While the Bitten Prim remained active, its creator Morsmordre, took an unscheduled time out from SL when First Life issues kicked her hind end. She is back, and starting out with a foray into Fashion!


This mythologically inspired unisex cloak is named for the Triple Goddess the Morrigan! Wear it proudly and let your plumage show!




Remember, Badassery is not required to wear this cloak!


A second line of swords and more sword options are in the works, as well as some armor to go with this fine cloak. Other colors available soon.


Once applications are open the Prim will also be entering the Renaissance hunt as was done last year!


December Update, Free Stuff, and more!


November is at an end, though I am leaving the hunt item out for a few extra days from November due to the holidays.  This month’s hunt item and it’s similar products are in the vendors, though to prevent people buying something they can get for free, I have not activated the item in the vendor as of yet.

I will be releasing a line of low to moderately high prims (2-25 prim options) to decorate for the holidays. The tree options include Victorian, a Metal steampunk tree with delicate engraving, traditional trees with modern lights in several color choices and due to popular demand a tree with Gothic style, macabre renditions and more!

New in store this month:

A DCS2 and CCS compatible sword available in a variety of styles and colors! More styles will be added through out the month and possibly versions compatible with Spell Fire, Osiris and even Gor!

WebSpelunker has left CNN and branched out onto his own and I have the honor of being the subject of his first post.

That’s all for this month. Have a happy Holiday if you celebrate anything. If not enjoy December!

November Updates!

October was a Spooktacular Month. I have put all the hunt items for past hunts into the vendor so if you missed them? Drop in and pick them up.

Luckily I hadn’t sold any yet but I did have an error in the vendors with the Wizard’s staff. This has been corrected. I apologize as I am aware some people were effected and this issue did prevent the ability to purchase (so not so lucky). I am working on a non hunt item, a custom sex bed. This may take some time, as I am working with some scripters to add in unique things to the code, and if this works your avatar can sleep snugly under the covers on their bed, not just over them.

My health is still not improved but I am not getting worse, which is a good sign. I have released an experimental item in the group, as I am making a few bits of jewelry. Just things I thought were pretty, though the group item is a PROTOTYPE so the textures are not finalized.I am also working on a proper surgeon’s kit, turning my old microscope which is very high prim into a sculpt, possibly a mesh, a special Steampunk christmas tree, and a replica of a victorian teaset from a museum.At the very least I will have the Christmas decor up for sale by the end of the month, and I should finish the candelabrum this week.

I am taking part in the Sinister Steampunk Hunt, I put out two prizes (in one hunt object) to tempt you all into stopping by.


Finally I want to say it has been an honor to create the trophies for Steam5. This was an inspirational process, as not only did I get to leave my mark indelibly on one of the greatest hunts in SL, but I got to see some of the finest creations Second Life has to offer.

September Updates!

Updates for the Bitten Prim! There is new Merchandise coming, I am working on a few styles of candle that should light up your evenings on your sim. There will be some adult products finally released by the end of the year barring my continued health issues. I cannot build if I cannot compute sadly. The big news, though? The Steam Hunt and the Unknown hunt items are ready! Starting on September 1st you can pop into the prim and dig around for the prizes.

In not so fun news Linden Labs had an asset server issue and it ate all the builds I ever made. They have purportedly been restored but if you have any issues please contact me in world via the Morsmordre Furman account. Send a notecard if I am offline. If you do not get a reply with in the next two days send it again. I may be offline for health reasons but SL may have also just not sent the card. I want to give my customers the best service.

There are new freebies in the Lucky Hutches and Boards at my shops, please enjoy them.


If you miss the hunts, the original items as well as other versions of the hunt items will be going on sale in November.


The Unknown Hunt, Meeroo, and more!

Greetings Prim Biters! Lots of news today. First I want to announce that there are now two locations for the Bitten Prim in world. The new location is located on Decker, in the Meeroo Misfits Store. If you are a Meeroo aficionado, breeder, or just plain curious this location does have exclusive Meeroo items for you and your Meeroo. You can come and pet the Meeroo as well. Both shops have Lucky Boards and Hutches.

The second news is that the Prim will be taking part in TWO, that’s right read it again TWO Hunts. The Steam Hunt and the Unknown Hunt. The Steamhunt is a steampunk hunt for all. The Unknown hunt is unique in the fact that it only features stores that have opened in Second Life after June 1st. This is a great way for you as a customer to find new, quality items and for me as a retailer to show off my wares and hopefully gain customers. Both hunts start in September, so, come on in for some good hunty goodness. I will be adding the shop signs once I have the hunt info to give.

Finally I want to congratulate my friends Kim and Z on their wedding. They are fantastic people and it is my hope that their married life is as sweet as their single life has been. In second life if you go to the group and notices you have at least a few days to get a free piece of cake courtesy of myself. Its chooocolate!

There should be new products out by the end of the month, barring RL problems. Offline life is trying to weigh me down but I am kicking and screaming. How interested are you all in clothes? Feel free to discuss this in the group OR IM me in world OR just comment down below!

The Bitten Prim: Our First Post!

Hello everyone! If you are reading this you either clicked the sign, the link my store spams at you, were linked by a friend, got this in group, know me and heard me squeespasm, or just googled. Whichever of those it may be, welcome! I am glad you are here. My name is Mo Furman, I am the proprietor of the Bitten Prim.  This blog isn’t going to be exclusively about my shop but maybe other nifty things I find in Second Life too.

Right now the mainshop is located in Mieville ( http://slurl.com/secondlife/Mieville%20Doyle/122/26/24 ). This shop does not contain any of the adult items that have been or are being made for Second Life. This is due to the presence of Child Avatars. If you wish to drop me a line in SL I can talk to you about those products. I am working on finding a shop location and making some cool stuff.

In other news the group ( secondlife:///app/group/bf136ecf-981e-f785-a5ff-7fb62aff833e/about click there to Join!) is up and running. Come be a Prim Biter today! The group does get free shiny stuff no one else can have. There is even a group gift out right now. You can find information on custom content made JUST for you in my shop.

Some up coming events for this shiny new store include: The Steam Hunt, Lucky Boards and Dips, A Presence in the Second Life Market and more!

I will post more soon. Feel free to IM me in world, you may get my snarky message but I really only bite if I like you.

Morsmordre Furman

The image for the 1 prim victorian table with copy permissions for 200 Lindens. The image shows a brown wooden table with decorative whirls on a black background, with white text describing it as a 1 prim victorian table. There is a logo of an orange tabby on a purple circle holding a box.